Below is a selection of recent testimonials for our DGP pet joint supplement. You don’t have to take our word about how DPG is one of the best canine supplements on the market, keep reading to learn about what actual pet owners have experienced using DGP. If you have a testimonial you would like featured on our website, please contact us. We would love to hear from you!

Last evening we played fetch. Duckie, true to her breed is obsessed with ball catching. After doing some spectacular leaps, we quit and Duckie was still not limping. This morning, she was not stiff or lame either. I don’t recommend pushing a dog but it is nice to see Duckie can get to do things she loves so much.
Thank you so much for DGP!

Our sweet little, 12 year old yorkie, Kimba, was hunched over, barely able to walk and in pain. After trying medications and other natural formulas to no avail, I heard about DGP. She has been taking DGP for about 5 months now and is doing very well!
We will keep her on DGP for the rest of her life. I am also starting my other yorkie on DGP. We are so grateful for this wonderful product!

I wanted to tell you that your product has been great for my beagle/German Shepherd mix (sh’peagle)! I adopted him in May 2009, at 13 years old he had just been rescued from severe neglect in rural West Virginia. He was in pretty bad shape. A friend recommended DGP. I tried DGP and hoped it would do something, but I was not prepared for as much as it did! DGP is FANTASTIC! DGP is very helpful to little old Sparky and I am grateful that he will be able to continue to enjoy life longer.

During my older Terrier’s annual wellness checkup I asked the Vet if he could suggest something for her mobility. He told me about DGP and the great success he has had using it with older dogs. That was two months ago and WOW! She is climbing the stairs multiple times per day, jumps up on the ottoman I placed next to the bed so she can crawl into bed with me. (I’m loving that).
DGP has made a wonderful difference in her quality of life. Anyone with a pet having arthritis issues needs to give this a try.

Jessie thanks you for the DGP. She is doing fine for an almost 13 year old dog. I think she has been on DGP for 4 years now.

I started using DGP 2 years ago on my 9 year old 85 lb HUGE boy who suffered from frequent neck pain that would last for several days to the point he could not find comfort. I found DGP and started him on that daily. He will be 11 years old in January and he is like a puppy. DGP is amazing.

My St. Bernard, Samson, had been suffering from joint pain. He is almost 7 years old. My vet told me about DGP, stating that she had heard that it had helped some of the animals she had treated. After giving DGP to Samson, in a very short time he stopped limping, was energetic and happy. Not only was he back to his old self, he seemed more like his puppy-self. Since giving him DGP, he has been more playful than ever. The DGP has been a miracle! I am so grateful that I found DGP.

I started using DGP a few years ago after having read about it in Whole Dog Journal. I have five shelties, four of which do competitive agility. At the time I read the article, my two oldest dogs, Rusty and Harry, were starting to slow down a bit, especially after a weekend of trialing. Just two weeks after starting DGP, I noticed Harry would pop immediately into a stand after lying down and Rusty was moving fast in the agility ring, especially doing weave poles.
People are always surprised when they find out Harry and Rusty are 10 years old – they act like dogs much younger. I fully believe DGP has kept my dogs comfortable and active, and certainly has extended their agility careers. I believe in DGP and recommend it highly.
DGP’s October Dog of the Month: Casey
DGP for Pet’s October 2015 Dog of the Month is 10 year old Casey. Casey has been with her owner, Mary Jo Ferraro Krewson, since she was six weeks old. Casey has been a sweet and caring friend since she was a puppy. Casey has brought so much joy to her family that they decided […]
DGP’s September Dog of the Month: Angus
DGP’s September Dog of the Month is Angus, the 11 year old dachshund! Related: Your Dog Can Be a Star Angus’ owners, Steve and Beth Bjorkman, have a special connection with their furry friend who they have known since he was born in 2004. Angus was one of the five puppies born to […]
DGP’s June Dog of the Month – Britney
Happy birthday to DGP’s June Dog of the Month, Britney, who just celebrated her 16th birthday in May! She is lucky that her owner, Micki Travers, takes such good care of her and keeps her going strong so she can play outside, even in all types of weather. Related: 5 Great Facts About Pet Adoption Britney is […]