Why Your Senior Dog is Barking More

Have you noticed that your senior dog has been barking more than usual? Don’t be afraid, this is especially common in aging dogs. Here are a few reasons why they tend to bark more along with solutions to help them.

Related: Why Your Dog is Shedding


Pain in older dogs is a common problem that happens because of common wear or tear on their joints. DGP may help with this problem, reducing their aches and hopefully soothing their pain. To learn more about how to treat, train, and love your aging goldendoodle, check out: We Love Doodles. 


When dogs are young puppies and again when they are older, they have a hard time controlling when and where they go to the bathroom. They may wake you up in the middle of the night because they cannot hold it, or they may have an accident on the floor. If this happens, just know they are not doing it on purpose and not to punish them.


Frustration is extremely common with senior dogs. If they feel as if they cannot accomplish a task, they may bark until you come for help. An example of this may be climbing up steps or jumping off a bed. Just help your furry friend and they will be okay.

Sensory problems

Older dogs can have problems with vision or hearing, and this may make them frustrated or scared. They may think they see something or hear something, when really there is nothing there. Senior dogs also cannot regulate their temperature as easily as they can when they are younger, so if they become too hot or cold, they may be agitated as well.

Canine Confusion

Your pup may start to become confused or have signs that they do not know what is going on. They may bark at nothing or be barking for help, but it is not a worrisome sign.

If you think that your senior dog’s barking is becoming an issue, it may be time to talk to your veterinarian. They will be able to prescribe medicines or advise on certain solutions to help. But here are a few tips that may help your dog at home without a trip to the vet.

barking dog, barking, dgp

Keep a schedule

Try to keep a schedule to follow with your senior dog so that they know what to expect. Too much change may spark anxiety in your dog, and it is better to try to stick to a daily routine.

Create a smaller area

Your furry friend may actually feel safer if they are in a contained area. They may like their dog crate again, or more likely, they will feel more protected if they are in a smaller space. You can limit them to a few rooms with a baby gate, and you will know where they are at all times so it is easier to get to them.

Give them an item of yours

Dogs feel safe when they smell your scent, so try adding a t shirt or blanket of yours to their area. They will be able to smell your scent when you are not there, which will help to calm them down. It may help calm them down and reduce the barking.

Know that barking is extremely common and will be more prevalent the older a dog gets. Be mindful that they most likely are doing it because they feel like they need help, not because they are trying to be malicious. Stay calm, and be gentle with your senior dog.

Read More: Is Your Dog Suffering From Separation Anxiety

1 reply
  1. Jane z says:

    My 13 yr old Sheltie cannot year at all unless the sound is pounding or shriek. She barks to go outside ever 10 min some days. I thought it was s bladder problem but does not always urinate, just. To lay on the concrete. Most times she is happy just to go to the bedroom to go to bed on the floor😥just as an old person would want to.


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