Steps To Take After Pet Cancer Diagnosis

As a pet owner, you try to give your fur child the best possible care. That means taking your companion for walks, regularly monitoring their health (including their joint health), and making annual visits to the vet. However, sometimes pets get sick, and the biggest fear that might come to mind is the “big C,” or cancer.

If your dog has been diagnosed with cancer, it’s easy to feel helpless and overwhelmed. You will probably have many questions and concerns about your pet’s future. Read on to learn some steps you can take to help navigate this uncertain and challenging time.

Find a vet who specializes in pet cancer

You will want to find a board-certified veterinary oncologist to possibly get a second opinion. You can also discuss various treatment options for your pet. These might include chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and even clinical trials. Treatment choices vary and depend on numerous factors such as the extent of the disease, concurrent medical problems, and quality of life issues.

Additionally, various testing, procedures and medications can be expensive. If you have pet insurance, it may help cover some or even all the treatments needed. However, this depends on the policy’s coverage.

It is important to stick to your normal routine — whether that’s going for daily walks or playing at the dog park. Remember that your pet friend doesn’t know about their cancer diagnosis. However, they will sense your feelings and emotions. For this reason, it’s important to remain strong and keep your pet’s life as normal as possible by maintaining their usual routine and care. You might also consider reaching out to support groups online or in your community. Talking with other pet owners who are going through a similar situation may be beneficial.

For more steps to take after a pet cancer diagnosis, see the resource below from PetCure Oncology.

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