Spring Cleaning for Dogs

Spring is here, bringing with it pollen and other allergens, it is the season to cleanse! Inspired by the changing seasons, a sense of refreshment may take over homes as the weather continues to heat up. While your furry friends may not understand the need to clean, they will appreciate it all the same. We put together a short list of cleaning tips for you and your barking buddies to stay happy and healthy during a spring cleaning frenzy.


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  1. Air filters. Avoid dreaded pet odor with the help of air filters. These types of filters help trap airborne dust and dander and will reduce the appearance of unwanted scents. There are even air filters made specifically for the pet parent looking to give their home a boost of fresh air!
  2. Clean bed, happy pet. Keep your slumbering canine healthy by periodically cleaning their bed. A pet bed can be cleaned with a vacuum or quick laundry cycle. Regularly vacuum your pet’s bed to remove hair, dirt, and other debris. Machine wash their bed in cold water, and then dry in a dryer for 20 minutes. When machine washing anything for your dog, make sure to use a mild laundry detergent and pet-safe dryer sheet with no fragrances.
  3. No more muddy paws. While rain is a staple in the spring, muddy paws don’t have to be. To avoid paw prints on the floor try trimming the hair around your canine’s paws; mud won’t clump to their feet as much with short hair. If mud is unavoidable, keep a bucket of warm water and a towel near the door. This will allow you to clean your pet’s paws before they enter the house.
  4. Keep those collars clean. Don’t let a smelly collar put a damper on your freshly groomed pup. Clean your pet’s collar by placing a few squirts of dog shampoo into a bowl and fill it with hot water. Soak the collar for about 15 minutes, then rub the collar against itself to ensure all dirt has been removed. Make sure to rinse the collar before hanging it to dry.
  5. Lavender oil. Essential oils may not seem necessary for your spring cleaning tool kit, but they can help keep your pet healthy. Apply a small amount of lavender essential oils between your dog’s shoulder blades on a regular basis to help keep fleas and ticks away. Also, you can use lavender room mist in the house and car to help keep your pet calm too. Added bonus, it also helps them smell good!


Spring cleaning isn’t only for people; you can and should include your furry friends in on the fun, too!
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