Safe Halloween Treats for Dogs

Who says kids are the only ones who can enjoy Halloween? There are plenty of ways to include your dog in this year’s festivities, including: dressing them up, taking them to parades, or even letting them indulge in some sweet treats. Yes, you read that right! There are many options of sweet treats you can give your pet this season, but we’ve listed a few to get you started.

A Chocolate Alternative

If you’re a pet owner, you probably already know that chocolate is poisonous for dogs. However, if your dog has as much as a sweet tooth as you do, or you are changing a recipe to suit your pup, there’s a great alternative. Carob chips have been a long used chocolate substitute for vegans but you can also give them to your pups as well. Just remember to only feed your dogs small quantities as eating a large amount may upset their stomach.

Homemade Sweets

By using safe ingredients that you know your dog loves, making treats at home becomes and easy and healthy way to include your pet in the festivities. Some easy cold treats include Pumpkin FroYo Bites which can be made by mixing water, plain frozen yogurt and pumpkin puree together and freezing or Coconut Banana Strawberry Frosty which can be made by freezing a mixture of yogurt, coconut oil and your choice of strawberry or bananas. You can find many more recipes online for homemade treats, including household ingredients from sweet potatoes to flax seed. If your dog isn’t into sweets but loves to eat, check out these Doggy Donuts made with chicken or beef broth.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is probably the most popular sweet treat that dogs can enjoy year round. Whether you fill your dog’s favorite toy with PB or bake them homemade biscuits, your pup is sure to enjoy this nutty treat. If you and your furry companion have been out all day trick or treating or showing off their doggy Halloween costume, treat them to a bowl of yogurt, peanut butter, and bananas. It’s the perfect treat to help your dog regain their strength after a night of ghoulish fun.

Store Bought Snacks

If you don’t have time to make treats for your pup, look no further than your local pet store or even online for an array of spooktacular treats. For example, Blue Buffalo’s Boo Bars are made with cinnamon and pumpkin, and sound good enough for human consumption. There are even Pumpkin Spice Dental Dog Treats that have a dual purpose of keeping your dog healthy, busy, and happy.

Whatever treat you decide to give your dog this Halloween season, make sure that they stay away from human candy and don’t eat anything they shouldn’t. Your friends at DGP wish you a safe, happy, and spooky Halloween!

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