May 2019 Dog Of The Month: Titus
We have a very special dog joining the DGP Dog of the Month hall of fame: Titus! And when it comes to fame, Titus is already used to it. He has over 1/4 million Facebook followers and loves to share his life on social media (a dog-gital influencer!). With his funny costumes and daily weather reports, he won thousands of hearts on Facebook.

Titus has an important message to share with the world: there is nothing wrong with adopting shelter dogs. He is a rescued dog and is very proud to be a rescue, thank you. In fact, he has a touching story: he was rescued from the street with a broken leg and bad mange. He was only one hour away from being euthanized when his mom and dad rescued him. He is very glad for his family and wants his fellow friends in need of good homes to have the same opportunity as he had.

To show his big heart, Titus has helped raise over $20,000 for shelters through auctions, fundraisers and his favorite method: the kissing booth. He sits happily for hours giving kisses, sharing love to people. Through the kissing booth, he raises money for rescues and shelters, specifically for the Safe and Sound Sanctuary. His efforts are dedicated to help other dogs in need of food, forever homes, and medical care.

You can check his Facebook page here.
Titus, you are the best and we are very proud of you! Keep up the good work!
Love Love that precious Titus!
Titus works so hard fundraising for shelter dogs, delivering toys, treats, beds, blankets, OTC medications, whatever is needed to care for all the dogs (and cats) being housed at any given time. It is important to Titus and his family of pit bulls to show everyone how gentle and loving this breed really is, so many people have said they would never have believed it was possible after all the ugly headlines and news reports. Now through Titus they see first hand the rumors are a myth and learn the truth. His Kissing Booths are notorious, who wouldn’t want to kiss a little dog in a cowdog outfit (including his guitar) for charity? He has a facebook page dedicated to Titus and His Girl Hailey- his true love everyone mourns- where he does weather reports while dressed in themed outfits and balancing all sorts of unbelievable things on his head, just to make sure anyone stopping by starts their day with a smile. All this and he is still humble! What a guy.
OMD! Congrats, Titus! I’ve been following Titus for quite some time and love all of his FB posts (Titus and His Girl Hailey) I also attended his Kissie Booth fundraiser. He is an incredibly sweet dog. His family is also quite incredible for the selfless work they do. Congrats to you and your entire family. Ruffs you all! 💕💕💕