Is It Safe to Use Essential Oils for Dogs?

Is it safe to use essential oil for dogs? We love essential oils because they’re all-natural liquids yielded from various plants and trees. We’re eager to see your dog receive the benefits of these natural grooming liquids. We’re glad that you’re a caring pet parent – what you’ve asked proves that!

We’re worried that you might be confusing all-natural with “totally safe” and putting your dear pet into a terrible health situation. Well, the feelings of worry are positive if they push us to take serious action and prepare a proper how-to guide about using essential oils for your furry pup.

The Essential Oils That Your Dog Will Surely Love

Being “overly limited” is one thing and being “super specific” is another. Choosing a few dog-friendly essential oils out of hundreds can be tedious. And you end up going with a bad selection. We can cover you and get specific about what are some safest and most effective essential oils you can opt for.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Rumors are that this oil has much more fame than its perceived and proven health benefits deserve. Yes, eucalyptus essential oil has long been in the news as a straight-up toxic oil to dogs but most of the serious reservations about it have been covered.

You need not to worry about using this multi-purpose oil on your dog. It helps repel parasites, especially fleas, and is the best addition in skin therapy to heal bug bites, rashes, and stings. If your dog bears the strong fragrance of the oil (it hopefully will if used in low quantities), then respiratory issues like cough and interrupted breathing will be helped as well.

Lavender Essential Oil

This oil may act as the best gap-filling agent between you and your dog by helping the pet with separation anxiety. Lavender is so gentle an oil that it can be topically applied to the skin without dilution, and may help deal with burns, allergies, ulcers, and bug bites.

Frankincense Essential Oil

You must remember that a little goes a long way with frankincense. From helping to heal wounds, supporting digestive tracts, to boosting immunity and improving behavior, just a few tiny drops can bring positive benefits for your dear dog.

Peppermint Essential Oil

A literally cool gift, peppermint essential oil is good for dogs experiencing overheating, acute injury, and other issues. Considered the worst enemy of seasonal allergies, the oil helps support the dog’s respiratory system and ensures a clearer breathing pattern. Diffusion is the only safe way to utilize this oil.

How to Safely Handle the Essential Oils for Dogs

Now, the thing is: using essential oils for dogs is safe if done correctly. Never force essential oils on your four-legged friend, and always discuss with your veterinarian before making any decision about essential oils.

Let the Oil and Your Dog be Friends First

Each dog is different and can respond to essential oils differently. One thing is universal: dogs have a keen sense of smell, and the strong aromas of essential oils can pose serious health risks. Be patient and try these tips to set things in motion.

  • Let the dog be exposed to the scent. For this purpose, you need to wear essential oils throughout the day, and the dog will encounter that aroma each time you hold or have fun with them.
  • Diffuse essential oil in the room and spend the time with your dog there. Come out of the room if the dog is whining, sniffing, or scratching. Then try diffusing some other type of essential oil.
  • Put a drop or two of essential oil on the dog’s toys and let the dog smell it on their own terms.

Topical Application

Now, if you notice your dog can handle the essential oil, it’s time to make contact.

  • Dilution is a must before topical use of the essential oil. The size of the dog will determine how much essential oil and carrier oil (for dilution) you need to have.
  • Coconut, jojoba, and sweet almond are the best carrier oils for dogs.
  • For smaller dogs, the most effective carrier-essential oil ratio is 9:1, for medium-sized dogs it should be 4:1, and 3:1 ratio of the oils goes best with large dogs.
  • Don’t apply essential oils near the nose or eyes, or to areas where the oils can go into the dog’s mouth (i.e., hands or feet, or anywhere else the dog can reach their mouth to).
  • Put essential oil on your hand first, rub it unless it’s no longer shiny, and then apply it on the dog’s skin by tapping, not by rubbing or massaging.
  • Never compromise on the dilution ratio – carrier oils must always be in larger quantities because then an accidental ingestion (by licking) will not cause much harm.


Diffusion is not always a bad idea but can be a danger to the dog if not performed carefully.

  • Use only 1-2 drops of the essential oil, turn the diffuser on for ten minutes and then turn it off for at least thirty minutes before turning it back on again.
  • Make sure the device is out of the reach of the dog.
  • Diffuse in a well-ventilated area.
  • Make sure the oil is safe for dogs. Some essential oils, like tea tree oil, are poisonous for pets.

Be Wise When Buying

Like every natural product, you must do some research to make sure you take care of your pet properly.

  • An impure yet expensive essential oil is not something that you or your dog will get any benefit from. It will cause much more harm than help.
  • Always prefer a trusted essential oils brand that offers 100% pure essential oils. A little bit of effort can save you the love of your life, money, and time!


We can look for holistic aid for our furry friends in nature as we do for ourselves. But jumping right in without first doing your research can be the worst decision you can ever make for your dog, or yourself. Mother nature knows best, we just need to be mindful to avail of her blessings.

1 reply
  1. Aromachology says:

    Very well explained post about using essential oils around dogs. I used to use them freely until I read a few posts about them being harmful. This article cleared a lot of my doubts in this context! Thank you.


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