How to Identify Nutritional Deficiencies in a Dog

Our furry friends are such darlings, but sometimes will eat things that looks or smells even remotely acceptable. And even we sometimes forget they are not precisely our equals when it comes to digestion. As a result, we share the food we eat with them. Unfortunately, all that can lead to serious nutritional deficiencies in a dog, which we must identify in time to ensure a long and happy life for our favorite ball of fur.

Your furry friend seems unusually down lately

The first sign your dog isn’t feeling well is similar to the one that usually hits people; lethargy. Surely you know far too well how your dog behaves and how active it usually is. Something is up when they start sulking for no reason or sleeping longer than makes you feel comfortable. Our poor little buddies can’t speak, and after so much barking, it has become clear to them that we are incapable of understanding all of their bark speech. Therefore, when they are feeling ill, all they will do is find a corner of the house and be depressed in it.

Sometimes, this can be triggered by a dog’s gum biome being imbalanced due to bad gut health. The same area triggers depression in these fluffy creatures when things are not all as they should be. Of course, there are other reasons your dog could be feeling depressed so it is important to consult with your vet to be their health is not at risk. Obviously, there are other reasons for depression in dogs such as something new happening in their life, such as a traumatic event or a recent relocation that has stressed it out. To help avoid relocation depression, careful preparation is the key. In any case, low energy and mood in a dog call for a visit to your vet.

Too much sleep and depression can be some of the signs of nutritional deficiencies in a dog.
Alt-tag: A white dog with beige ears sleeping with sunlight on his face.
Too much sleep and depression can be some of the signs of nutritional deficiencies in a dog.

There’s something different about your doggy’s poop

Much like with people, problems with the tummy in doggies are usually quite obvious and not even this remarkable mammal species has managed to avoid the horrors called flatulence, diarrhea, and constipation. To be absolutely sure your animal companion’s digestion is proper, you’ll have to observe their poop. It should be chocolate brown and malleable, yet not too liquid. Watch out for foreign objects that should not be there and also for mucus, which is not a good sign. If you notice something outside these descriptions, your dog may suffer from nutritional deficiencies or having eaten something it shouldn’t have eaten. In that case, you should analyze its diet and consult the vet about what to do next.

They are not looking their best

In animals, healthy means beautiful. When a dog starts looking shabby, you may have neglected to groom them. Or it may be something more serious. For starters, shedding too much outside the shedding season is a cause for concern. It could be a sign that your pet lacks some crucial vitamins or minerals essential to maintain its fabulous looks. The same goes for the skin. Also, your dog’s weight is a vital factor that can tell a lot about the pet’s health. Furthermore, obesity in your pet, as well as skinniness, is not something you should encourage as it can both be dangerous and an indication of nutritional deficiencies in a dog.

One of the signs of nutritional deficiencies in a dog is a foul odor

Nobody likes a stinky dog, but we tend to tolerate this rather embarrassing characteristic. But apart from that classic dog smell, you should not ignore the odors coming from your little buddy. Bad breath and body odor are not just disgusting. They are symptoms. They could indicate kidney or liver disease and oral health issues, for all of which bad nutrition is most likely to blame. The vet should be able to determine what is wrong with your dog and why it produces such awful smells. Then you can work out a nutrition plan that may include some supplements if necessary.

Your buddy’s been getting sick a bit too often

The amount of money you spend on the vet has suddenly increased, and your poor furry fella knows the way there by heart? Frequent infections and other health issues can be a sign your dog is eating a lot of what it’s not supposed to and not enough of what it should. When a dog struggles with nutritional deficiencies, its immune response is terrible, so it gets sick more often. Again, another reason to re-evaluate its diet plan and its overall health.

A dog with two people standing next to it at a dog clinic.
When your furry friend gets sick a bit too often, you should discuss his diet with the vet.

So, what should you have your dog eat, then?

Your dog’s health highly depends on how well-balanced its diet is. Many owners decide to prepare food for their doggies, which is a bit tricky as not all the same rules apply when preparing food for humans. Dogs do not tolerate spices and seasoning well, so forget about them. Also, there’s a list of foods you should stir clear that are toxic for your pet, such as chocolate, grapes, onions, and avocado. As for the veggies and fruit your furry best friend can eat, you can offer it bananas, celery, and strawberries, to name a few. And, of course, a sufficient amount of water must always be available to your pet.

The less complicated version of ensuring your dog’s proper nutrition is to stick to high-quality commercial dog food that you can vary from time to time. This food has been formulated to be by the dog’s dietary requirements, so you can’t go wrong with that.

A dog sitting next to a woman holding a piece of pizza.
Giving dog food that is predominantly for humans can be very harmful to them.

Bottom line

Hopefully, these guidelines will help you learn how to identify nutritional deficiencies in a dog. The poor darlings cannot communicate their pain and suffering to us in any precise way. Therefore, we must learn to recognize their troubles’ symptoms before it is too late. All you need to do is pay extra attention to your pet from time to time and see if it is its usual self or if something is off. I doubt any owner will find this too inconvenient, as spending time with your dog is more of a privilege and less of a chore. We are absolutely paws-itive about that!

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