How to Train a Dog With a Shock Collar

Shock collars and training collars are often used to train dogs, especially stubborn ones. This is a working technique through which dogs can understand their owner’s commands and remember the learned skills that they already know.

These collars are very helpful if you use them properly and for the right breed. Many dog trainers would like to use shock collars as an additional trick for simple training, but they should only be used for training adult dogs.

People who want to use a shock collar for their pet dog, but are not sure how to use it, can benefit from educating themselves on the ins and outs of training with one.

When should you start shock collar training?

Professionally it will be good to use a shock collar after a dog after they are a few months old, although there is no hard and fast rule for this.

Experienced dog breeders say that a shock collar is not made for puppies because a puppy is not able to understand your commands. A shock collar can make a puppy scared and can increase the stress levels of a small dog.

Certainly, stress and scariness at an early age may restrict brain development and the dog will not develop as well mentally. Shock collars is a helping tool that we use to train a dog and you can train the dog at more mature age. At a younger age, a dog will not understand your commands enough to gain much from this type of training.

According to some professional breeders, six months is the minimum age for a dog to understand what is happening all there and how to react at all. Dogs also start to recognize their owners at this age.

How to train a dog with a shock collar

Some people admit that shock collars are not very useful for young dogs, so sometimes it becomes a bit controversial. If you want to avoid all its cons, then it would be good to know the proper usage of this handy tool.

A shock will give instant results if you use this collar with kindness. This is going to be a very useful tool and can help you a lot to train your dog. People with low levels of patience should avoid using shock collars as it can be a painful and scary experience for a dog.

Invest in a quality product

Before starting training, you should purchase a good quality shock collar with a variety of functions. Before shopping keep in mind that the collar must be compatible with your dog’s fur type, nature, and size.

Initial start

Once you select a good quality collar, it is time to let your dog adjust to the collar. Your dog may take up to a week to get used to it; once you see the dog is now feeling comfortable then you can start the next level.

Make sure the initial start should be basic commands like come here, go back, catch this, and other social activities. You cannot insist on your dog to learn all these commands as once, of course. Work on one command at a time before moving on to another.

Desirable behavior

The shock collar is best for dog training, especially when you want to establish a particular behavior or trick with your dog. Once you see that your pet is now used to training with a shock collar, then you can start practicing new techniques and tricks.

Shock collar as a back-up

Once you have trained your dog the commands and behaviors you need, you should not throw away the shock collar. Keep it in case your dog needs a refresher or later when you want to add new tricks to their arsenal.

From shock to vibration

Some people eventually transition from the shock collar to a vibration collar.

Before moving ahead, first reduce the shock level  bit by bit. Then introduce a vibrating collar to your furry friend. Use this collar only when your friend ignores your verbal commands. Regular use of a vibrating collar or shock collar can make your dog irritated and anxious.

Are shock collars safe for my dog?

Some experts say that shock collars are easy and safe to use. These experts state that if you use these collars at the right time, then you can make your stubborn dog obey without hurting them.

Why shouldn’t you use a shock collar?

Every tool has downsides, and shock collars are no exception. Ordinary shock collars can harm a pet dog due to electric shocks. The electric shock may lead to psychological distress in dogs, and phobias. An electric collar may burn sensitive skin; and can also increase your pet’s heart rate. People who are inexperienced with shock collars may face a lot of unwanted results.

Author Bio

Ehtisham has experience with military canine training. He has worked with multiple military dogs in different places and situations. Currently he is running his blog Advisor Dog, based on dog advisory.

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