Fall Health Concerns for Cats

Whether you have an outdoor or indoor cat, fall is an especially wonderful time to snuggle up with your feline as the temperature drops and the leaves start falling. However wonderful autumn may be, it can still bring about some health issues with your purring pet. Be sure to be on the lookout for these health hazards as the season changes to prevent your cat from health concerns.


One of the most iconic parts about fall—falling leaves—can also be dangerous for your cat. Be sure to get rid of leaf piles instead of leaving them lying in your yard—they can harbor bacteria and other nasty microorganisms that can be harmful to your pet if ingested. Rodents and other disease-ridden critters and insects are also drawn to these safe havens, so make sure to compost your leaves or dispose of them.

Cooler Temperatures

For long haired cats, like Maine Coons, cooler temperatures can be a relief. But if you have a hairless cat or short haired cat, it can be harmful. If your cat has short hair, or no hair, make sure to provide them a warm bed, blankets, or cozy hideout (or all three!) that they can warm up in when they get too chilly.

Less Daylight

There is some research that supports that, like humans, cats can also display symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). To prevent behavioral changes in your cat, try giving them a perch with plenty of sunlight, like a window perch, or even a tall cat tree placed next to a window.

Fall is many people’s favorite time of year, but there can still be obstacles when you own a cat. Keep the above tips in mind this upcoming fall season for you and your pet to stay happy and healthy as the weather cools down.

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