December 2019 Dog of the Month: Oso II

Meet our December 2019 Adoptable Dog of the Month, Oso II! This sweet boy is a ten year old purebred German shepherd in need of his “furrever” home. He is available through the German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County in southern California.  Oso has been with GSROC for three years, and they are still optimistic that someone will give him a loving home for him to live out his golden years. 

He takes three DGP capsules every day, and they help him to stay active and playful.  His favorite thing to do is carry things around–whether it’s his “baby” (a squeaky toy), or a ball.  Oso is a giant bear of a guy who lost his home through no fault of his own. At six years of age, Oso was abandoned at an animal shelter when his family had “too many dogs” (which we wholeheartedly believe there is no such thing!). When his time ran out at the shelter, GSROC knew that they had to rescue this senior sweetheart. Oso II enjoys spending time with people and really likes walks to the local park.

If you would like to adopt Oso II, you can find more information on the German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County website by clicking here. Oso II needs quiet home with no kids or other dogs. GSROC would prefer a potential owner experienced with shepherds.  Oso has a giant personality that fits his body. He likes to take charge and needs an experienced home to set some boundaries for him. When he trusts you, Oslo is all in. He is loyal and super smart and just wants to have a stable routine! 

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