5 Things to Know About Getting Your Child a Dog
Are you thinking about getting your child a dog this summer?…

What is Pet Insurance and is it Important?
Pet insurance is an agreement between a pet insurance company…

Wheatgrass Benefits for Your Pup
Wheatgrass is absolutely safe for pets, and also an ingredient…

5 Great Facts About: Pet Adoption
Are you thinking of adding a new furry friend to your family?…

What’s in DGP For Pets? Ingredients
Feverfew (6mg): A relative of the common daisy found originally…

Walking your Dog in the Winter
Keep you and your dog safe during Winter Walks!
While some dogs…

Winter Safety Tips For Your Pets
Antifreeze, which often collects on driveways and roadways, is…

DGP: An Inside Look at the Ingredients
DGP: An Inside Look at the Ingredients
DGP is a combination…

The Positive Effects of Owning a Dog
Any dog owner can tell you the countless positive effects of…

How to Tell if Your Dog is Slowing Down
When you start to see signs of your fur-baby slowing down, it…

10 Ways to Keep Your Dog Safe While Swimming
Once the weather becomes warm, we are quick to hit the beach,…

Keep your dog safe while having a barbecue!
With the 4th of July behind us, Grilling season has officially…

Raw Feeding? Great Suggestions If You Have Questions!
Great article with tips on feeding Raw!
If you have ever thought…

Researchers Suggest — Dogs Can Be Trained to Detect Cancer, Low Blood-Sugar Levels and So Much More!
Researchers believe dogs may notice certain scents they associate…

23 Interesting Canine “Fun Facts” That May Not Have Known. Some Of Them Were News To Me!
Did you know...
Dogs are descended from wolves.

Avoid Heatstroke — No “Hot Dogs” This Summer!
The summer months can be brutal to your dog. Remember, if you…

Holistic Solutions to Constant Scratching!
Is your dog in constant itching agony -- Scratching endlessly?

Does your Dog Pull On Leash?
Most dogs do it – they pull on their leash!
With the addition…

K9 Rolfing…What is it and how can it help?
Written By Jan Skadberg, RN, BHSP and Brennan Healing Science…

Canine Diabetes — Listen To The Doctor!
The statistics of Canine Diabetes in the U.S. are a little overwhelming,…

Does Your Dog Have What It Takes To Be A Service Dog? Maybe…
Joanne’s Search and Recovery Dogs – How It All Began!

Does Your Dog Have Diabetes?
Did you know the occurrence of canine diabetes has been steadily…

Spring Allergies – Pollen Is Probably To Blame!
Spring has sprung early and so have allergies!