A Pet’s Guide to Halloween
Have you found the perfect Halloween costume for your pet? Halloween…

3 Ways to Keep Your Dog Healthy this Fall
Fall is officially here, but unfortunately that means flu and…

Fun Fall Activities for Your Dog
There is still plenty of time to enjoy the great outdoors with…

Tips for Taking Your Dog on a Plane
Looking for tips for taking your dog with you on a plane? You're…

What is Pet Insurance and is it Important?
Pet insurance is an agreement between a pet insurance company…

5 Summertime Treats That Could Hurt Your Dog
The warmer weather can tempt you to want to share you treat with…

Wheatgrass Benefits for Your Pup
Wheatgrass is absolutely safe for pets, and also an ingredient…

5 Great Facts About: Pet Adoption
Are you thinking of adding a new furry friend to your family?…

Thinking of adopting a dog around St. Patrick’s day?
Growing up, my cousin’s beautiful Irish Setter was named “Pegeen,”…

Walking your Dog in the Winter
Keep you and your dog safe during Winter Walks!
While some dogs…

Winter Safety Tips For Your Pets
Antifreeze, which often collects on driveways and roadways, is…

What can I Feed my Pet on Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together and share…

What does a dog’s tail wag mean?
Scientists have recently found that a tail wag to the left has…

Do you feed your pets JERKY? You may want to think again
Beware: The treats you feed your dog may very well be harming…

DGP: An Inside Look at the Ingredients
DGP: An Inside Look at the Ingredients
DGP is a combination…

DGP interview with Lee Harrington
This week, DGP had the pleasure to sit down with acclaimed author…

The Positive Effects of Owning a Dog
Any dog owner can tell you the countless positive effects of…

How to Tell if Your Dog is Slowing Down
When you start to see signs of your fur-baby slowing down, it…

Do I have to take my dog to the Vet for THIS?
If you are like me, you treat your dog like you would your own…

10 Ways to Keep Your Dog Safe While Swimming
Once the weather becomes warm, we are quick to hit the beach,…