Best Outdoor Exercise to Keep Your Dog Fit and Active

Nowadays we all want to stay fit and healthy. To keep ourselves active and fit is one of the most important and crucial tasks for all of us, but some of us do not give priority to health and wellness.

So, to stay fit and healthy, we try so many things like exercise, diet, gym, and many other things. From all the above fitness from vigorous exercise is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy.

If you are a dog owner, then outdoor exercise is just as beneficial for your dog as it is for you. Generally, to keep dogs healthy they need one- or two-hours daily exercises, but it differs from the age , size, and breed of the dog.

Best Outdoor Activities for Dogs

Before you plan to exercise with your dog, you should know about your dog’s breed, age, and fitness level. Just like humans, two dogs are always different from each other.

In the initial stage, first, start slowly and after that let your dog build up stamina for exercise. While exercising, you should watch for signs of limping, laying down, heavy breathing, and breathlessness. If you see these types of signs, then you should immediately stop the exercise. Make sure during hot days that you avoid outdoor exercise and instead of that, you should play in fresh and cool water. You can fill a kiddie pool and allow your pooch to splash around to cool off.

There are so many dog-friendly outdoor activities that you can do with your dog. Doing this kind of exercise helps to make strong bond between you and the dog.

Ways to Keep Your Dog Fit and Active:


As we all know running is the best outdoor activity for dogs as well as humans. It is one of the best forms of outdoor exercise, but it is not suited to all dogs. You should use a leash when running with your dog.

At the beginning, you should start running slowly. After building up endurance, you can slowly increase speed and distance. You should avoid running outside when it is too hot as hot concrete, or asphalt can burn your dog’s paws.


Like running, swimming is also a fun way to stay fit. Not all dogs know how to swim, and some dogs don’t like to swim. Don’t force your dog to do anything that it does not want to do, especially in the water.

You can also play some water games with your dog, but make sure you know water safety. You should use lifejacket and shallow water until your pooch gets familiar with swimming. If your dog likes swimming then it’s fine, but if they don’t then do not push them to swim because they might be a land lover.

Playing Outdoor Games

There are so many fun games which you can play with your dog. This type of gaming also considers as a good exercise. Games like hide and seek, fetch, and tug of war helps increase your dog’s fitness level. Games also help to improve mental health.


Walking is one of the best and classic forms of physical exercise. Almost all dogs like to go for a stroll outdoors. Give your dog time to smell around while on the walk. Take different routes when you go walking so your dog can identify and smell new things.

Dog Sports

There are so many sports which helps dogs to get fit and healthy. Sports like agility and canine freestyle will help your dog mentally and physically. You should do research on the best sport for your dog. Finally, enroll your dog in a sports class.

Go for a Ride

For riding horses, you can use horse trailer or double horse trailers. But in the case of a dog, use a bike or car. A bike ride can burn so much energy for a healthy and active dog. But before that, you should get used to your dog to walk along with the bike before going for a long ride. Go for a bike ride with your dog but make sure you have a safety device.

Author Bio

Lisa Allen works at Cheval Trailers as a community manager. Cheval trailers have been designed and developed to provide high levels of comfort and safety for the horses being transported, easy towing and handling qualities for the trailer users since 1995. Cheval Liberté trailers is a leading manufacturer of horse trailers, single and double horse trailers across the UK and Ireland.

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