So You Want to Get a Dog. . .Tips and Advice for First Time Dog Owners
For first time pet owners, getting a dog can be stressful for…

Grooming Techniques for Small Dogs
Dog grooming can be horrendously expensive. However, there’s…

The Right Way to Introduce Yourself to a New Dog
Are you one of those people who call yourself a dog person because…

December 2018 Dog of the Month: Dixie
We're proud to introduce our December 2018 Dog of the Month.

What Dog Grooming Tools Do You Need?
Have you ever walked into a big-name pet store to the section…

Can Social Security Disability Be Used on Service Dogs?
Service dogs are some of the most valuable companions anyone…

Guide to Dog Vaccinations–A Brief Overview
There is no need to state how much we love our dogs. Dogs not…

Caring for Pets with Diabetes
Like human diabetes, cases of pet diabetes are on the rise. This…

November 2018 Dog of the Month: Sprocket the American Bully
Introducting our November 2018 Dog of the Month!

Canine Massage Therapy
If you are a pet owner, then you might have heard of canine massage.…

How to Prepare for Your First Pet
Becoming a pet owner involves both research and excitement. You…

Annie: DGP’s October 2018 Dog of the Month
Meet our October Dog of the Month!
Annie is a seven year old…

How to Care for Specially Abled Pets
With age comes a lot of physical changes. Just like humans, common…

Change Your Cat Care Habits with the Change of the Season
With the cold chill of fall starting to hit, it's time to start…

6 Top Tips on Hiking with Your Dog
Taking the leap from casual dog walks in the park to full…

Orion and Aria: DGP’s September Dogs of the Month
Meet Orion and Aria, our September Dogs of the Month!

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe Outside
Dogs are made for the outdoors. Going for a long walk, playing…

Ditch the Itch: Dry Skin Relief for Your Dog
Courtesy of Dog Lover's Towel
Carmen Fiordirosa serves as Director…

DGP Cares “Paws for A Cause” 2018 Contest Winners
DGP for Pets is happy to announce the winners of the 5th annual…

Muffin: DGP’s August Dog of the Month
Meet Muffin, our August Dog of the Month! Read all about this…

What You Need To Know About Pets In Hot Cars
Bringing The Heat created by FIGO Pet Insurance.
Author bio:…

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Healthy and Happy
Being a dog owner comes with its fair share of responsibilities,…

5th Annual DGP Cares “Paws for a Cause” Contest
Support your favorite pet charity with the 5th Annual DGP Cares…

5 Summer Safety Tips for Senior Dogs
Summer has officially arrived! For humans, that means fun in…

Caring for Senior Cats: Signs of Aging Edition
It may seem that cats actually do have nine lives, but there…

The Dangers of Puppy Mills
In light of Puppy Mill Action Week, we wanted to give you some…

Talou: DGP’s May Dog of the month
Meet Talou, our latest Dog of the Month. This beautiful, 7-year-old…

How to Pet Proof Your Home
We love our furry friends, but leaving them alone in the house…